Are you ready to connect with an Age Fit Physical Therapist and take the next step on your fitness journey?
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Physical Therapy
Have you suffered a recent injury or had an onset of new pain? Have you experienced a stroke or other neurological disorder? Have you had a fall or had a significant change in your ability to move? If you answered yes to any of these questions, physical therapy is for you!
Age Fit offers one on one, individualized treatment sessions following an extensive evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms in order to address your specific needs, facilitate injury healing, and meet your goals. Physical therapy is a full-body approach as pain and injuries are often caused by impaired movement patterns, improper form, or atypical strength. Physical therapists are movement experts! While the basics are important, our goal is to get you back to full, functional movement!
Age Fit is an out-of-network clinic. Depending on your insurance, you may still be eligible for reimbursement through your insurance company for physical therapy services (Which does not apply to wellness or fitness recovery). This varies so widely, that we can't fit all the details in one pamphlet, so give us a call or stop by to discuss your specific needs.
Age Fit offers wellness programs and medical fitness to stop pain, falls, and functional changes in their tracks. Wellness programs are designed to meet you at your current abilities and incorporate strength and balance exercises to prevent falls and injuries with the goal to reduce your need for rehab later or reduce your risk of returning to rehab services.
Wellness programs are great for those graduating from a rehab program who need guidance continuing their journey or are looking to transition into the gym or to a personal trainer with more confidence. Wellness programs are also great for those who have more complicated co-morbidities that need a health professional to monitor while working on your fitness journey.
Wellness programs are offered in 30 or 60 min sessions as an individual or a couple.
Fitness Recovery
Feeling extremely tight after an intense workout week?
Flexibility limited by sore muscles? A 30 minute fitness recovery session or wellness massage may be what you need!
This service focuses on reducing muscle tightness and tension, promoting blood flow, and facilitating your muscles' ability to heal and recover more quickly. This is primarily completed through soft and deep tissue massage and trigger point release. Your Physical Therapist may do a general screen of your range of motion before and after the service. Fitness Recovery may include stretching, passive movements, and includes your PT teaching you simple stretches to further aid in your recovery.
Mobility Program
Are you a Powerlifter? Olympic weightlifter? Crossfitter? Somewhere in between these?
Have you noticed pain creeping into your lifts and exercises or just noticed some general discomfort unrelated to the weight you're lifting?
You may be a candidate for a mobility assessment and movement screen to assess your form, set up, and range of motion to maximize your lifting potential and decrease your risk of injury during your lifts and training sessions.
Dr. Brooke Terilli, PT, DPT graduated from Piedmont College in 2013 with a Bachelor's in Biology and went on to obtain her Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2016 from the University of North Georgia. She obtained her Vestibular Rehabilitation Certification from the American Institute of Balance in 2018.
She specializes in treatment of the older adult and balance disorders, but enjoys working with the wide scope of diagnoses that her profession has to offer including musculoskeletal injuries. She is excited for the opportunity to introduce more wellness and prevention programs to the community!
When she's not in the clinic, Brooke enjoys being outdoors and spending time with her three dogs. You can also find her in the gym and CrossFit classes. Always important to practice what you preach!